Saturday, September 13, 2008

Free & Easy Weekend Ahead

Lets all of us enjoy a quiet and easy weekend ~ AT HOME!

Forget about the shopping malls (except the grocery shopping of course!) - just this weekend.. next weekend - shop all you want or you may try abit of consumer rebellion!

Do something at home as a family or for home-alone-folks like me - catch up on the reading or be a couch-potato and surf the channels on your cable tv or the internet here .

I aim to catch up on some cleaning, namely my balcony and my laundry room. Need to do some de-cluttering in MY room. With DH leaving for Melaka this afternoon, I plan to tau-pau my dinner, tomorrow's breakfast and lunch all in a row and veg out big time!

Have a great weekend ahead everyone! If you see me online, do invite me for a chat! LOL!


3lilangels said...

Also with DH away, you can finally bring out the bento purchases from the car for some photo taking to share with us.... hehe....

Emily said...

waaaaAHHHHH! you so clever one! Yup they are all up here in apartment and those my sis bought for me from Daiso at IMM's branch!!! Died and gone to heaven!

Biblo said...

LOL!!!! No wonder you have to de-clutter to make room for new stuffs.....