The Maritim Guest House - Main Guest Hall in Jakarta
Main Hall and Dining Area
Main Hall
13 years ago
Updates on what's happening with me and my own as well as my favorite pastimes ~ food, reading and needle crafts!
Very healthy bento - hopefully can encourage my sis to eat more healthily too. (Hear that, dearest sis?)
The mooncake box is really nice. I'm not crazy over mooncake, but may consider buying just for the box *_*
hi, your bento is really pretty. The cutters make a big difference :)
There are some groovy mooncake boxes around, great for gifts.
Best mooncake eaten is one from Rawang which is handmade without preservatives.
Nobody in my household has eaten any mooncake this festive season!! Guess I'll have to go out and buy at least one!
The Baker Cottage's black pearl mooncake very nice, but hardly get it because run out of stock.
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