Last year I miss this Earth Hour event as I found out about it too late but have put a reminder to self on my sidebar on the right! Came across this year's event at Stargal's blog here, go on, slot the date and time on your calendar and PARTICIPATE!
Psst2! Just got word that 100yen Tmn Desa has new stock! Anyone dropping by tomorrow?!!
On 100yen outlet, here is one of my favorite purchase from them ~ A GIANT wire hangar! Todate I bought three! Initially my 2nd gurl was like 'Isnt it too big?' but happy to say she is happy to have it for drying her bath towel!
Above: Previous previous day's lunch
Above: Yesterday's dessert ~ crepes with peanut butter filling, nuttella filling and plain with a sprinkle of sugar!
Above: Packed dinner of baked macaroni and salad
I was caught unprepared for a heavy downpour the other day whilst at Pudu market shopping for a ceramic pot (tungchoon) for the chicken essence I have been making for my DH. What else can one do in this circumstance? Eat lah!
Below: Lime drink and Lum Meen. I dont really like lum meen but hey this was good! hahaha