From Sharon Bakar's blog
An interesting project to promote reading ~ be it a book, magazine or your newspaper, while waiting.
CLICK HERE:READ WHILE WAITING Project ~ 23 August 2008
The Maritim Guest House - Main Guest Hall in Jakarta
Main Hall and Dining Area
Main Hall
14 years ago
Thank you for supporting the project. :)
Zain HD
Interesting! Its been quite a while I read while waiting....xs or crochet while waiting took over reading for some time now.Time to switch back?
Thank you Zain HD for dropping by and leaving a comment! This project sounds interesting and very do-able for me!
Hey Lillie! Why not do all three in rotation! Reading is much simpler than the other two! Just take it out of your bag and open it! Tks for visiting!
I didn't know there was such a project, but have been inadvertently supporting it. I bring a reading material with me everywhere. Sometimes ask my daughter to pray for red traffic lights when I'm in the middle of an interesting passage. haha...
Btw, love your book collection.
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