I was trying out a red and a pink thread combo with the same size hook (above)
The tiny work-in-progress is a new thread (a shade darker than the original Petra)
using a hook size of 3 /5
Updates on what's happening with me and my own as well as my favorite pastimes ~ food, reading and needle crafts!
Foon Fong's 2nd Brother, nephew Iskandar and 3rd (youngest) Brother
Yatie (my eldest daughter) and Diyana (my youngest daughter)
Foon Fong, John and Mom
And from Just Cross Stitch Feb 2006 issue, I have in mind to stitch a sign "Bienvenue cheznous" "Welcome to our home!" for a doorknob decoration and I even bought the fabric for it from Linda J.
And here is the progress on my bedspread:
Hubby had the Carrot Slice while I had a lovely Lemon Cheese Cake and English Breakfast in a pot. Hubby's bottle of Appletiser was supposed to be No Added Sugar and No Added Preservatives but he complained that it was SWEET; even when served over ice! Aiyoh, being with him at Secret Recipe that day was the slowest I ever eat a single slice of cake!
Hubby was complaining of being tired at the end of our visit, we picked up his car at 5.30pm and he comment how we ladies can never tire of shopping. And I commented that I should be the one going to New York instead of him.Once home, he was horizontal (well, as he put it ~ he did not have his afternoon nap!) while yours truly had to contend with making a nutricious soup for din din!