Hi Everyone!
Wow, that was indeed a fabulous anniversary meetup! and here's wishing that we enjoy many more to come!
Thank you Nik for NNC and MW for the organisation and Jackie for helping out!
Hey hey, Diyana and I were the first to arrive, with Just Heavenly's Triple Expresso Brownies, Beef Rendang, Sotong Sambal and our exchange gifts! Nik had her place all ready for us and with Aiman and her DH out on a Boys Only day leaving us ladies the run of the house!
Nik's craft room is to be envious of (and luckily for me, Diyana did not see that room otherwise she will be shaking her head at the status of MY room!). Nik has loads of her FOs all framed and hung on the walls and there is a huge variety of stuff she has done over the years.
MW, JW, BJ, JC and Anna were next to arrive with delish Nasi Briyani (courtesy of MW), Banana Cake (BJ's), Carrot Cake (Anna's), Ipoh White Coffe (JC's). By now Nik's dining table is two thirds covered! Nik made Lontong ~ nasi impit, kuah lodeh, chocolate swissroll, kueh raya and iced Rose Syrup.
We were soon joined by Usha! who brought loads of yummy Kesari, Josephine with jelly/pudding, June with 'homemade' yummmy yam cake, seafood pizza; Rose with dhall curry! Next to arrive was Faizon with macaroni and cheese - delish! Linda and Azie were last to pop by with more kueh raya!
As usual I made a glutton of myself and mid way through the afternoon - had a lovely cup of Ipoh White Coffee to wake me up!
We had a gorgeous time catching up on our various stitching activies, show and tell, Faizon even gave a quick tatting lesson to Anna and Usha! She also demonstrate needle tatting to the tatters amongst us! And as usual it was BJ and Nik posing for picture of their completed FOs ~ this time it was the LDSal! And hey there was Nik and my SHS pieces too!
Me and Diyana were shamelessly collecting loads of personalised presents from everyone else (aiyoh we must learn to make smalls as presents too.. sometime soon... before the next meetup! LOL) Thank you thank you! to MW, Nik, Usha!, June! Faizon! Lody!
We had a lovely draw for the exchange gifts! Wow there were loads of fantastic items made by each and every one of us! What can I say, talented bunch of ladies we are!
What a great time we had and I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I am sure Diyana did too!
And here are the pictures of my completed SHS! I personalised it with change of colors to the alphabets and colors in the house too. Upstairs light belongs to my DH and downstairs is lit cos Emily is sneaking a bite of Just Heavenly's Triple Expresso Brownies in the kitchen!